Thursday, May 5, 2011

GENERAL MILITARY > This extended deployment is FUBAR

Deployments (and those darn extended ones) are a necessary evil for military families to deal with, doesn't mean we have to like them but we survive :) So these are for the strongest ladies I know, the military wives missing their deployed husbands.... hope you enjoy these, if not get a kick out of them :)

Side note: If you don't know, FUBAR is a fun military acronym for f*cked up beyond all recognition. Gotta love it ;)

TO SAVE AN ICON: Right click and select "save picture as."

I would appreciate a link back if you take an icon. Thanks :)


- Photoshop 7
- Swallowing Shadows
- All military insignia are registered trademarks of the United States Goverment and their respective branches.

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